AI’s Demand For One Key Resource Is Going Parabolic…And So Are the Profits

Here’s how to walk away with payouts of

349%... 407%... and even 733% thanks to a

group of little-known AI suppliers

cashing in on “big tech’s” oversight.

Dear Reader,

There is a sliver of the Artificial Intelligence market that – for most investors – is a mere afterthought when compared to mainstream media darlings like Nvidia, Microsoft, and Google.

But that’s all about to change…

Because the world is quickly waking up to the fact that “big tech” and the future of AI itself…

Is at the mercy of the unique companies I’m about to put on your radar.

That’s not an exaggeration.

All across America, billion and trillion-dollar Silicon Valley behemoths are falling all over themselves to establish relationships with the companies in this niche…

And it’s led to lucrative deals that allow these unsung operators to reward their investors with regular payouts of $2,710… $6,775… $10,840… and $16,260.

Year after year.

But that’s just for starters.

Because like any gold rush scenario…

The opportunity for huge capital gains is there for the taking too.

I’m talking about returns of 349%... 407%... and 733%...

Which would multiply a small $5,000 stake into $22,450… $25,350… and even $41,650.

Because now that it’s clear that AI more than just a passing fad…

And that it’s on its way to delivering the kind of explosive growth that will catapult it into the biggest megatrend of our lifetimes…

One that McKinsey & Company says could hit $15 trillion…

“…analysis suggests that the value at stake from AI can reach $15 trillion.”

It’s impossible for me to overstate how rare…

And lucrative…

This urgent opportunity has become.

Because when renowned research firms like McKinsey start making once-in-a-generation growth projections…

And those forecasts involve sums of money that are larger than the GDP of entire countries like Germany, Japan, India, and Brazil… COMBINED...

While at the same time, some of the biggest companies in the world are making billion-dollar investments in the same emerging megatrend…

And their high-profile leaders are going on record crowing about the opportunities AI will deliver…

Like Google…

Whose CEO Sundar Pichai says…

“Over time, AI will be the biggest technological shift we see in our lifetimes. It's

bigger than the shift from desktop computing to mobile, and it may be bigger

than the internet itself.”

Or Microsoft’s Chairman and CEO who told everyone who would listen…

“…this is Microsoft’s moment. We have an incredible opportunity to use this new

era of AI to deliver meaningful benefits for every person and every organization

on the planet.”

– Satya Nadella

And Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, which has snapped up 32 AI companies in an attempt to keep pace in this digital gold rush.

"We see enormous potential in this space to affect virtually everything we do...

It will affect every product and every service that we have…”1

– Tim Cook, CEO of Apple

It’s not a matter of if “AI” will continue its meteoric growth…

The question simply becomes…

How massive – and all-encompassing – will it become?

And as I alluded to a moment ago…

A critical part of the answer to that question rests solely on the ability of the unsung companies I’ve discovered…

To give “big tech” exactly what they need. When they need it.

Which just so happens…

Is right now. Today.

Because the simple truth is…

The Resource These Companies

Provide Is the Lifeblood Of AI…

And Without It – AI Cannot Survive!

Hammer at Mar-a-Lago

Before I give you the full story on this opportunity, let me introduce myself.

Hi, my name is Christian DeHaemer.

And I’m the founder and Chief Investment Strategist here at American Stock Investor.

For the past 30 years, I’ve consistently shown the investors who follow my work safe ways to grow their retirement savings…

No matter what’s going on in the stock market.

And I’ve done it outside the confines of Wall Street.

That simply means one thing…

I only answer to one group of people…

And that’s my subscribers.

Hardworking, good people. Just like you.

And I’ve gone to great lengths to earn – and keep – their trust by giving them access to the type of life-changing investment research typically reserved for the wealthy.

I’ll be honest. Since I’m not a “desk jockey,” that hasn’t always been easy.

Because sometimes uncovering the most profitable investing opportunities took me to places other analysts wouldn’t dream of visiting.

Hammer at a fracking well on the Front Range

For example…

Not long ago all my research pointed to the fact that oil prices were on the verge of taking off.

But rather than taking the investing equivalent of an easy lay-up and recommending Chevron…

I hopped on a plane – more than just a few times – and personally checked out some of the more off-the-radar opportunities that had the right mix of capital gains potential and income…

The kind that would allow my readers to double… triple… or even 8x their money.

And hunting for returns of that caliber meant I ended up in some pretty exotic places like China, Africa, and Mongolia…

Along with some that didn’t require a passport…

Like the bayous of Louisiana and the plains of energy-rich Colorado.

It didn’t matter if the flight was 2 hours… or 12.

Hammer in Mongolia

Hammer investigates massive coal formations in Mongolia

Hammer speaks at exclusive Energy Summit in Miami

In the end, getting my boots on the ground was always worth it.

Because on top of doing a deep dive into the financials of the companies I visited…

Using my proprietary 7-point evaluation system…

I also had the chance to interview their key players.


I asked them tough questions. The kind you’ll never find the answers to on Google…

Or Yahoo Finance.

I broke bread with these people.

And enjoyed a bourbon or two with them as well!

Those deep dives led to some life-changing winners like:

411% on Africa Oil

117% on Cove Energy

155% on Hi-Crush Partners

502% on Plug Power

1,150% on GigaMedia Limited

515% on Palm Resources

759% on Petro Matad

Before I go any further…

Let me point out the obvious…

While I’ve delivered some massive winners for my readers in virtually every corner of the market…

From pharmaceutical companies to options…. and cryptocurrencies to shipping stocks…

All the gains I just highlighted have something to do with energy.

And the reason I’m calling attention to that right now is simple…

AI Has A Huge Energy Problem

And as someone who’s clearly pinpointed more than their fair share of energy opportunities…

Over the course of nearly 30 years…

I not only saw this bottleneck coming a mile away….

More importantly, I found six under-the-radar ways to profit from it.

In the next few minutes I’m not only going to show you how to rake in regular payouts of $2,710… $10,840… and $16,260… from these surprising companies…

I’ll also show you how they could turn starting stakes as small as $5,000 into windfalls of $22,450… $25,350… and even $41,650.

Without sitting on pins and needles as you watch your “can’t miss” tech stock’s share price bounce around like a turbo-charged ping pong ball.

Because the companies behind the investing opportunity I’m going to show you in just a moment don’t make $40,000 semiconductors that are the “brains” of AI…

They don't build the massive data centers like this one that are t2 Column he home to those obscenely expensive computers…

Instead, they help provide the power AI needs to continue on its path to becoming the most impactful megatrend of our generation. And perhaps… ever.

I’m not talking about a little bit of electricity here.

The machines Microsoft, Amazon, Google and every other tech company use to identify and analyze trends… predict outcomes… and answer questions…

Use a stunning amount of electricity.

The Washington Post recently reported that one large data center owned by Facebook’s parent company, Meta, uses as much energy each year as 7 million computers running 8 hours a day!

“One large data center complex in Iowa owned by Meta

burns the annual equivalent amount of power as 7

million laptops running eight hours every day…”

Business Insider says that Amazon’s data centers in just the northern part of Virginia…

“…can consume about half the power of New York City.”3

And based on a study from the Amsterdam School of Business and Economics, The New York Times said…

“…A.I. servers could use between 85 to 134 terawatt hours

(Twh) annually. That’s similar to what Argentina, the

Netherlands and Sweden each use in a year…”

That’s a bold forecast.

But I believe it’s still too low.

Because after a deep dive into the AI market that lasted months… and cost me more money than I care to admit…

I arrived at the inevitable conclusion that despite the AI superboom dominating the headlines for what seems like forever now…

The truth is this megatrend is just getting started.

That means that when Goldman Sachs says…

“US power demand likely to experience

growth not seen in a generation.”

When Forbes writes…

“AI Is Pushing The World

Toward An Energy Crisis”

And when The Washington Post predicts…

“Amid explosive demand,

America is running out of power”

They aren’t just more examples of mainstream financial press stretching the truth or

crying about the sky falling in an effort to get attention…

They’re proof that AI is growing so fast…

And gobbles up so much energy…

Even late-to-the-party outlets like theirs can see the writing on the wall.

Sadly, it’s also where their limited foresight ends…

And the bias kicks in.

Because while it’s obvious the energy to power AI needs to come from somewhere…

They’re focused on all the wrong sources.

Like hydro, solar and wind which account for about 21% of electricity generation.

Or nuclear energy, which only accounts for a mere 18%.

That means they’re not only missing the most obvious energy source…

They’re also overlooking (or flat out ignoring) the massive moneymaking opportunity it presents as well.

One that could put 2,710… $6,775… $10,840… and even $16,260 into your pocket…

On repeat. Starting as soon as tomorrow.

I’m talking about natural gas.

That’s right.

No matter how bad green energy experts want to tout their zero-emission sources as the answer to fossil fuels…

Natural gas is still responsible for 43% of our electricity generation.

And that’s just the beginning.

Because some experts predict we’ll not only need an additional 47 gigawatts of electrical generation capacity to power the growing AI boom…

Which is enough to light up more than 35 million homes…

They also say 60% of the power supply increase for AI will come from natural gas.

Are there other energy sources that could soak up some of this excess demand?

Well, the most obvious answer is nuclear power.

But the thing analysts who rave about AI bringing on the renaissance of nuclear power always seem to gloss over…

Is nuclear power’s fatal flaw… time.

Because full scale reactors take up to a decade (or more) to build.

And the new “small modular reactors” (SMR), which you may have heard about…

Well, they face a slew of permitting hurdles…

“While dozens of companies have aspired to commercialize SMRs,

only one company, NuScale, has managed to win design approval

from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission — and it is still

searching for its first paying customer after its initial project fell

apart last year.”

– Canary Media

“NuScale’s project is the latest in a long line of failed nuclear

fantasies… A recent study from the Institute for Energy Economics

and Financial Analysis concluded that small modular nuclear reactors

are still too expensive, too slow to build and too risky to respond to

the climate crisis.”

– Oregon Capital Chronical

And that’s something they need to overcome before the two or three years it takes to build one.

That’s why, despite what ANYONE says about nuclear power being the solution to AI’s power problems…

The opportunity to bank massive gains – and collect recurring payouts – from nuclear energy isn’t going to be a reality for quite some time.

And extended timelines like that simply aren’t a luxury big tech outfits like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon can afford in their quest to dominate the lightning-quick AI niche.

I’m not the only one who sees it that way either…

“Nuclear power is ‘overblown’ as an energy source for data centers…”


“… reopening a few reactors is not enough for the U.S. to meet this

soaring demand… the country needs to deploy 13 gigawatts of new

nuclear per year starting in 2030 to accomplish that… That pace is

wildly aspirational — far faster than the U.S. moved even in its

nuclear heyday.”

– Canary Media

“Tech is not going to wait seven to 10 years to get this infrastructure

built. That leaves you with natural gas.”

– Toby Rice, Energy CEO

That’s why I’m telling everyone who will listen…

When it comes to powering the AI superboom…

Natural gas reigns supreme.

I don’t mean for 6 months either…

Natural gas stands to benefit from AI’s virtually limitless energy demand for years…

And maybe even decades.

That may be hard for some folks to accept…

But the evidence is everywhere…

And it stacks up higher by the day.

“…gas has cemented its reputation as the dominant source of reliable electricity in the U.S. as demand soars—and investors are loving it.”

“Big Oil Sees AI Boom Driving ‘Crazy Demand’ for US Natural Gas”

– Bloomberg

“Gas is the only cost-efficient energy generation capable of providing the type of 24/7 reliable power required by the big technology companies to power the AI boom.”

Doug Kimmelman, Founder, Energy Capital Partners

“We’re not going to build 100 gigawatts of new renewables in a few years. You’re kind of stuck.”

– Ernest Moniz, Former U.S. Energy Secretary

“… American natural gas is poised to experience a 10-year surge in demand, driven in part by the computing requirements of AI…”

– Bob Haber, Forbes

“U.S. power-generating companies are announcing plans for the highest volume of new natural gas-fired capacity in years as the AI boom is driving demand for electricity.”

Bottom line...

Investing in the right natural gas companies

- is hands down -

the best way to make money from

the AI superboom right now.

And to get you off the sidelines and into the game…

I’ve put together a special situation report that includes the details on three companies that could help you walk away with a king’s ransom as they save big tech’s bacon by a filling AI’s energy void…

The 3 Kings of AI Energy

That’s not all though…

I’m so convinced they’re the perfect investments to build your wealth right now…

I want to send the report to you completely free of charge.

I’ll show you how to claim your copy in just a few minutes…

But before I do…

Let me give you a better look at what I’ll cover inside its pages.

AI Energy King #1:

For a stock to be crowned an AI Energy King…

It needs to pass my rigorous 7-step financial test that ensures it’s capable – and willing

– to dole out generous dividends that can reach as high as 8%.

And still possesses the potential to tack on triple-digit increases to its share price too.

I’ve found a company that checks all the boxes…

And then some.

Because it helps form the backbone of the AI energy niche by transporting, storing, and ultimately selling natural gas.

That includes a transmission pipeline that spans over 20,000 miles and carries natural gas into white-hot AI data center markets like Texas where these hook up to around 60% of the power plants that rely on natural gas to generate electricity.

This level of connectivity is critical…

Because the three things that every prospective data center location needs are…

✔Access to reliable, affordable power…

✔ Water to cool the semiconductors that fill those buildings…

✔ And to be located as close as possible to major internet arteries.

Those requirements become even more critical when you’re operating in a market like Dallas-Fort Worth because it’s the second largest home to data centers in America.

And the fact that this company ticks all those boxes isn’t lost on its CEO. He says this about the growth opportunity his company is about to seize in the gas-powered electricity market…

“We’re believers like everybody else… The data centers—especially around AI—it’s going to happen.”

Considering it already pays out a stout 7.7%...

Which allows investors to collect $1,280 for every 1,000 shares they own.

It’s incredible you can still pick up shares right now for about $16.

But I don’t think that’ll be the case for much longer.

As more and more people put two and two together…

And figure out this smart player’s true potential…

History shows shares could shoot up as much as 733%.

That’s good enough to turn a modest $5,000 starting stake…

Into $41,650!

But to set yourself up for a gain like that you’ve got to make your move now.

I’ll give you all the details in my The 3 Kings of AI Energy special report.

You’ll also get the full story on…

AI Energy King #2:

Like the opportunity I just covered…

This energy company is in a unique position to capture an oversized piece of the natural

gas supply needed to satisfy the growing gas-powered generation market…

And again, it’s all about location.

Because according to its CEO…

“45% of all natural gas-fired generation in North America is within 50 miles of its pipelines. That’s going to lead to opportunities for more and more of those generators seeking our services on those pipelines, storage facilities, et cetera.”

He also went on record with this bold promise regarding electricity generation for AI, natural gas, and his company…

“…the buildout of data centers and generative AI is forecasted to require a material increase in power generation. This new power generation will be fed by a combination of natural gas and renewables and supports our view that the world needs all forms of energy. As the sector evolves, [we are] well-positioned to serve this increased demand through the vast footprint of our assets connected to key supply basins.”

Translation: Checkmate.

You can’t just build the type of infrastructure his company has developed in a few


It takes decades. And while I doubt there’s anyone planning on trying…

Even if they do… and succeed…

It’ll be far too late.

That’s why I’m telling anyone who will listen…

Pick up shares of this company now to set yourself up for gains as high as 349%...

And then sit back and collect regular annual payouts of $2,710…

While you wait to cash out.

All the details are in the Energy King special report…

I’ll show you how to lock up a free copy in just a moment.

But before I do, let me take a quick second to tell you about…

AI Energy King #3:

This smart player serves some of the biggest energy markets in the country…

And has extensive networks of pipelines and storage systems devoted solely to natural


Share price has shot up over 71% in the past few years…

Which turned every $5,000 into $8,564….

And in a sign of dedication to increasing shareholder wealth from every angle…

It also had the financial strength to support tacking 19% onto its dividends during the

same time period.

Which means it now stuffs $2,480 into shareholder’s pockets for every 1,000 shares

they own.

More importantly, after a deep dive into the full scope of its operations…

I fully expect a repeat performance on both fronts. Only this time I think it’ll happen

even faster…

And the gains could soar as high as 407%.

I’m not the only one that sees the potential…

One of its directors recently snapped up $150,000 worth of shares…

Which amounted to a 55% increase in the size of his holding.

I shouldn’t have to say it, but I will anyway…

When you see people with inside knowledge of how the company operates – and its

future plans – making six-figure stock purchases…

With their own money…

It means they see big things coming in the months ahead. (And I agree.)

So nothing good can come from waiting.

I’ll give you the full story on each of these lucrative investing opportunities in The 3 Kings of AI Energy.

It’s yours free of charge when you agree to…

A risk-free trial of Christian DeHaemer’s

American Stock Investor

American Stock Investor is my new advisory that’s home to all my profitable investment research.

Inside each monthly issue you’ll get actionable, step-by-step recommendations from a veteran investor with 30-years of in-the-trenches experience…

I’m talking about the kinds of stock picks that have let me deliver returns like these…

To regular investors just like you!

● 285% on Broadcom

● 197% on Visa

● 109% on Range Resources

● 147% on Cheniere Energy Inc.

● 95% on Frontline

● 2,346% on Palo Alto Networks

● 100% on Alliance Resource Partners L.P.

● 1,209% on Microsoft

● 120% on Qualcomm Inc.

● 254% on BYD Company Ltd.

Each of these massive winners was the exact same caliber of profit opportunity I’m sharing with you today…

The kind that could help you rake in $22,450… $25,350… and even $41,650 from AI’s voracious energy appetite.

You’ll also get access to a treasure trove of…

Investing ideas… tools… and support

you simply7 won’t find anywhere else.

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Flash Trade Alerts

When it’s time to make a move on one of our existing positions… like taking some profits off the table… or an opportunity comes up that can’t wait for the next issue… I’ll send you a Flash Alert that gives you the details on the situation and exactly what to do.

And thanks to wi-fi, tablets, and smartphones you can even do whatever needs doing when you’re away from your computer.

Private Members-Only Website Access

Inside our password-protected website you’ll find everything American Stock Investor has to offer. That includes every issue I’ve ever put out… Every special situation report I’ve written…

And my full – open trade – portfolio. So you always know what to buy… How much to pay… And when to sell it.

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And if you ever have a question or problem that doesn’t involve personalized investment advice (sorry the government forbids us from answering!), you’re covered by our dedicated U.S.-based Customer Service staff. They’re here to make sure you get the most from your subscription. And they’ll do everything they can to make you happy.

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A FREE Daily Subscription to Outsider Club

Beyond the headlines and mainstream financial news, there are hidden fortunes in the stories which are seldom told. Enter Outsider Club, our exclusive news digest with a simple goal… to provide you with money-making insights into the week’s most pressing financial stories.

I include this extensive level of support to my members for two reasons.

First, I want to make investing easy for you. And profitable too, of course.

So I’ll always give you step-by-step instructions on how to take part in any opportunity I recommend.

That way there’s zero guesswork on your end.

Second, I want you to have confidence in me…

But more importantly, in yourself…

Because that will – 100% – make you a better investor.

And the best way for all that to happen…

Is for you to see how a 30-year veteran makes his investing decisions…

And then follow in my footsteps.

Think of me like having a friend who just happens to have deep, lifelong connections in the financial world…

You’ll get access to insights and moneymaking opportunities your friends and family can only dream about.

Don’t just take my word for it though.

Here’s what folks who follow my work are saying…

“Made a total profit of $97,500. That was the biggest profit I have ever

made. Thank you very much for the great work you have done. Keep it


— Fred L.

What a dude you are! Recommending Ethereum at $ 92.00. I

followed you at exactly that – $92.00. Currently, DEC 18th, $825.00.

joined too late for your BTC poke at $450.00 then , but you got me

into crypto. You rock. I recommend it to you.”

— C. Kelly

“Dear Hammer, I’m up about $50,000 in one year on some of your


— Warren D.

“Up $21,000 in less than a week! Keep the very, very good

recommendations coming!”

— Cameron P.

“In @ 24,400 currently @ 46,000 up 21,600 in less than a week! Keep

the very, very, good recommendations coming!!!”

— Pete A.

“In the six weeks that I’ve been with you, I’ve bought, sold, and

banked slightly over $10,000 in profit.”

— Keith

Now before I continue, let me point out the obvious: these stories are extraordinary.

And your results may differ of course.

But there’s no way you’ll have a shot at ending up like S. Staresinic…

Unless you take the same first step he did and make a small investment in yourself by joining American Stock Investor.

“I’m up about $50,000 in one year on (some of)

your recommendations. The subscription was

itself the best investment I made last year,

which was my best year of investing ever.”

Unless you take the same first step he did and make a small investment in yourself by joining American Stock Investor

And today, you can put yourself on the path for your best year of investing ever…

For pennies on the dollar.

That’s right – American Stock Investor doesn’t come with a membership fee that runs

in the thousands of dollars.

Could I charge that kind of money for access to winners like these?

  • 111% on Axxon Enterprise, Inc.


  • 2,528% on Bitcoin (First Trade)
  • 1,040.32% on Ethereum (First Trade)


  • 51% on USG Corp.
  • 1,065% on Bitcoin (Second Trade)


  • 40% on Ethereum (Second Trade)
  • 60% on Ripple


  • 230% on Dragonfly
  • 194% on AMC Theaters


  • 100% on Avinger
  • 85% on Virgin Galactic


  • 190% on Freeport-McMoRan 
  • 46% on Smith & Wesson Brands


  • 89% on Asana
  • 101% on Palantir


  • 118% on Pagaya Technologies Ltd.
  • 351% on Entrée Gold Inc.


  • 201% on First Majestic Silver
  • 256% on Allied Nevada Gold Corp.


  • 235% on FieldPoint Petroleum Corp
  • 247% on Africa Oil Corp.


  • 242% on Endeavour Silver
  • 515% on Palm Resources Pte. Ltd


  • 268% on China Yuchai International
  • 502% on Plug Power Inc.


  • 243% on Cemex
  • 251% on Unilife Corporation


  • 759% on Petro Matad Limited

Of course. A lot of other analysts do.

But I haven’t made it over 30 years in this business by charging princely sums for access to my work.

Instead, I believe that if you put out high-quality stock picks that help readers make money month in and month out…

You don’t have to make all your money in one shot…

Because people will stick around for the long haul.

That’s why the standard one-year price for American Stock Investor is only $999.

But I’m so convinced the investing opportunities you’ll find in The 3 Kings of AI

Energy report are the best ways to make money from the AI superboom…

I’m taking one for team…

And slashing the price by 95%.

Which means when you choose to join forces with me today…

You’ll be able to do it for only $99. That comes out to less than $0.27 a day!

You can do whatever you like with the $900 you’ll save under this one-time deal…

But my hope is…

You’ll use it to pick up shares in the three companies I’m going to send you in the report.

Because every minute you wait from this point on…

Increases the likelihood that share prices will go up before you make your move…

Which of course, cuts into your profit potential…

And depending on how fast they climb…

May prevent you from ever getting started.

That brings me to the only catch in this whole situation…

I stacked the deal I just laid out for you so

heavily in your favor I had to promise my

accountant I’d only make it available for a

limited time… no exceptions.

***And he’s the one who gets to say when enough is enough… without warning!

That means when he decides enough people have come on board…

He’ll “pull the plug” on the order page link…

And if you click on it after that happens, all you’ll see is a message that says, “Sorry, this membership offer has closed.”

Ordinarily I’d push back on this type of thing…

But the simple truth is…

If you haven’t already reached for your wallet and pulled out your credit card…

Chances are a membership in American Stock Investor isn’t right for you anyway.

Especially when you remember the first thing you’ll get from me immediately after joining is the special report, The 3 Kings of AI Energy… which carries a value of $399.

That’s not all you’ll get though. Because to thank you for putting your faith in me…

And to start things out on the right foot…

I’ll Also Rush You Two Bonus Reports

100% Free of Charge

(A $498 Value!)

Three ‘Boring’ AI Energy Stocks That Could Make You Rich!

As I was putting the finishing touches on this presentation three more companies tied to the AI energy super boom passed my 7-point evaluation system.

The first is a company that has the infrastructure to generate over 33,000 megawatts of electricity…

And distribute it to 49 different states.

That means one thing… it’s ready – and able – to become a key supplier for the energy-hungry AI datacenters…

Virtually everywhere in America.

And it only takes one quick look to see why it popped up on my radar, because in the past few years it not only increased its share price by 57%…

It also supercharged dividends by 48.6% which means that investors who are sitting on 1,000 shares are in line to collect $2,060 - over and over again…

More importantly for you… most investors are flat out ignoring this opportunity…

Because the business itself just isn't “sexy” enough for them.

To that I say, “their loss!!!”

By the time they catch on to what I’ll show you in your free report…

This stock might have already delivered investing’s mythical double-double…

Which is when its share price and dividend payment both explode by 100%.

That’s not the only opportunity I’ll lay out for you.

I’ll also give you the details on two more smart AI power suppliers as well.

The first is the largest electricity generator in the AI hotbed of Texas.

While many of its competitors are scrambling to ramp up their renewable or nuclear power generating capabilities…

This utility has a laser focus on seizing TODAY’S profit opportunity by adding 2,000 MW of electricity generated from natural gas.

And it’s doing it with a combination of new plants, transforming a coal plant, and upgrading its existing facilities.

Share price in on the move…

No, I take that back… it’s EXPLODING.

Tacking on 88% in the past six months alone.

And while I can’t promise it’ll keep up that pace through 2025…

I don’t see anything holding it back either.

Which means if you pick up shares today…

You could easily be sitting on a gain in the neighborhood of 175% around this time next year...

Which is good enough to multiply $5,000 into $13,750.

But again, at the risk of repeating myself…

This stock is white hot…

And it’s on the move…

So nothing good can come from waiting.

The same holds true for my third natural gas profit opportunity too.

It’s in discussions with a number of datacenters that could TRIPLE the demand for the electricity it provides in the next 36 months.

And when you add that on to the fact that it has already added 108% to its share price in the last year…

I wouldn’t let any grass grow under this opportunity either.

I’ll give you the full story on each one, including their ticker symbols and "buy under"

price in, Three ‘Boring’ AI Energy Stocks That Could Make You Rich!

DeHaemer’s 55 Rules of Trading

You’ll also get a second bonus report: DeHaemer’s 55 Rules of Trading.

Inside you’ll discover a combination of my commonsense trading rules that are meant to serve as reminders like:

✔ Rule #7: Never apologize for a profit.

✔ Rule #36: Watching CNBC has never made anyone any money. They cheer when markets go up, and sling doom when it is down. This is the opposite of how good traders think.

✔ Rule #51: The best times to buy and sell are at 10:30 a.m. and 3:45 p.m.

All the way to more advanced concepts that will expand your trading knowledge and


✔ Rule #8: After you sell a position, take the ticker off your most wanted screen, and put it on your sold screen. You made your choice, you don’t need to look at it constantly.

✔ Rule #16: A low P/E ratio, high growth rate, insider buying, and no debt make any stock a buy.

✔ Rule #20: The market wants you to lose money. It is a ravenous beast. It wants to take your life savings, turn your hard work into vapor, and laugh at you as you squirm in the dirt. So, always have an exit plan. Have a price at which you will sell no matter what, and stick to it.

The three reports I want to send you today…

Carry a total value of $897.

But I’ll shoot them to your inbox the minute you agree to try out American Stock Investor… FOR FREE.

The minute you click the “Yes, I Want In!” button below…

You Get 6 Months To Try Out

American Stock Investor—RISK FREE!

I don’t want you to have any regrets about becoming a member of American Stock Investor…

So I’m giving you 180 days to try it out – on me!

That’s plenty of time to check out the special reports you’ll get today….

Read the weekly issues…

And even make some money from everything I share with you.

If at any time during that six months you find yourself unhappy with my work…

Including the profitable recommendations I deliver…

Just send an email to (or call: 888-974-8744) our customer service team…

And we’ll quickly give you a refund for every cent you paid to get in the door.

Your satisfaction is paramount to me…

And I have no desire to keep your money if you’re not completely happy with my work.

I’ll be upfront with you…

I’m not very worried about that happening.

Because over the years, I haven’t had many people take me up on my offer for a refund.

Which is why I’m so comfortable giving you 180 days to decide…

And I’m even insisting you keep all the free reports and issues you receive on the off chance you do decide American Stock Investor isn’t right for you.

I’d never make such a bold deal with you if I wasn’t already sure I could deliver…

I couldn’t afford it.

It’s Time For You To Make Your Move

We’ve reached a fork in the road. And there’s two routes you can take…

Option 1:

You can completely ignore the massive profit opportunities I just dropped in your lap… and simply walk away. I’m fine with that. I mean, of course, I want you to join American Stock Investor (I consider it my mission to help as many regular investors reach their

financial goals as possible)… but at the same time, I only want you to join if you’re fully committed to following the type of moneymaking recommendations I’ve laid out for you today. And you’re the only one that can make that decision.

Option 2:

Make a small investment in yourself and your family’s financial future… and snap up one of the remaining American Stock Investor memberships I’ve opened today.

Remember, the stocks I’ve shown you not only have the potential to turn modest stakes into $22,450… $25,350… and even $41,650… they’re also so solid and flush with cash that you could find yourself collecting regular dividend payouts as high as $16,260. I

don’t know about you, but I believe getting paid to wait for a stock’s share price to go up, is the ultimate win-win in investing.

Personally, I think the choice is obvious. Especially when you’re covered by my six month-100% risk free trial.

So make this a day you’ll celebrate for years to come…

Click the “Yes, I Want In!” button below and reserve your copy of The 3 Kings of AI Energy while there’s still spaces left. Or if you prefer, you can call customer service at 888-974-8744.

The minute you do, you’ll also lock up free copies of 3 Columnmy two bonus reports as well…

The 3 Kings of AI Energy

Three ‘Boring’ AI Energy Stocks That Could Make You Rich!

DeHaemer’s 55 Rules of Trading

Before I sign off…

Let me offer a quick reminder…

As I mentioned earlier…

This deal is stacked so heavily in your favor that I had to promise my accountant I’d only make it available for a limited time… no exceptions.

And he’s the one who gets to say when enough is enough… without warning!

Which means if too many people jump on board today…

This could be the one and only time you get a shot at joining American Stock Investor

under this outrageous deal.

I trust you’ll make the right choice for you and your financial future.

It’s time to make your move now.

I look forward to a lucrative partnership with you.

Yours in AI Energy riches,

Christian DeHaemer

Founder & Chief Investment Analyst

American Stock Investor